Daily Intention
Date posted: December 27, 2020
Daily Intention… VALIDATE
Each of us is walking this path of life and experiencing the trials and tribulations that enter into our world at times.
We lean on those we love to VALIDATE the emotions and feelings that arise.
As we listen to others describe their challenging moments, let us support them with compassion; for we are not here to cast judgment, fix, rescue, or enable one another.
Being there for one another means to VALIDATE that we all have moments of adversity and that we are always guided by the Universe in our journey to gain more wisdom.
When we communicate, we assist one another through the fearful thoughts to a place of more hope and faith.
Let us continue to VALIDATE one another in this journey of life, as we move past the darkness and into the light.
Be thy Light…
💫 ❤️ 🙏Blessings of support are sent to you today. May you shine your essence upon the world… that your presence, words and actions VALIDATE the love and Light of who you are always. 🙏 ❤️ 💫
Image captured by Morguefile Photo. 💫 🌟 💫
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