I’ve learned how to BE a Courageous Creator.

I want to teach you to BE a transformative Creator, empower your creative genius, and master your creativity.

In my weekly correspondence, I share the tools that will bring your creative projects to the finish line.

BE the Creator, You came here to BE.

    Kim Christin

    Inspiring and Supporting others to discover their inner well-being.

    Daily Intention

    Date posted: February 17, 2021

    Daily Intention… REJOICE

    You and I do not know what today will bring. We do not know what tomorrow has in store, or how many days we have on this planet.

    We only have this moment, and we can choose to REJOICE in all that is beautiful and hopeful.

    We can only control our reaction to the present situation. It is not our job to control others or the situations that unfold around us.

    Let us greet each day with love. Let us embrace each moment with the light of who we are, and REJOICE in all that we are experiencing upon this amazing journey.

    Let our hearts REJOICE in the opportunity of now.

    Be thy Light…

    💫 ❤️ 🙏Blessings of hope are sent to you today. May you REJOICE in every moment you have been given… being the compassionate voice in every conversation… the Light in moments of darkness… sharing the Universal love that resides in each one of us. 🙏 ❤️ 💫

    Image captured by Susan Gossett. 💫 🌟 💫


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