Daily Intention
Date posted: October 2, 2018
Daily Intention… HIGHER SELF
There is a HIGHER SELF within each of us. This part is the one that chooses the highest thoughts of positivity and shares loving actions with the world.
The HIGHER SELF feels the hope within the heart before the eyes see even a glimmer.
This part of ourselves is manifested when we smile or open a door for a stranger, for it may be that one small act of kindness that provides a beacon of light and hope in that person’s day.
It is our decision in each moment to either voice the words of Light and hope from our essence or to keep silent when there is nothing positive to say.
In the latter circumstance, let us instead send a blessing to that which we do not understand. Let each of us live our lives from the HIGHER SELF and help create a more hopeful and loving world.
Be thy Light…
???? ❤️ ????Blessings of inner Light are sent to you. May you be empowered to live from your HIGHER SELF in every moment. ???? ❤️ ????
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Image captured by Morguefile Photo.

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