I’ve learned how to BE a Courageous Creator.

I want to teach you to BE a transformative Creator, empower your creative genius, and master your creativity.

In my weekly correspondence, I share the tools that will bring your creative projects to the finish line.

BE the Creator, You came here to BE.

    Kim Christin

    Inspiring and Supporting others to discover their inner well-being.

    Daily Intention

    Date posted: February 7, 2019

    Daily Intention… POWER
    You and I are capable of achieving all of that which we dream. We need only to believe that these words are true.
    Each of us has the POWER within us to accomplish the task at hand, as well as those that will lead us to the life that we desire for tomorrow.
    This POWER is within each cell of our being; in the chair upon which we sit, in the cat that rests on our lap, in the moon that bids us goodnight, and in the sun that we awaken to each day.
    You and I are one with all things. It is only our limited thoughts and beliefs that keep our dreams at bay.
    No one else has the POWER to keep us from achieving our dreams except you and me. Let us choose to take our POWER back and begin using it wisely in each and every moment.
    Be thy Light…

    ????❤️????Blessings of inner wisdom are sent to you today. May you create the life you came here to share by using the POWER within your being. ????❤️????

    Image captured by Steve McCall.????????????

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