Daily Intention
Date posted: March 25, 2019
Daily Intention… POETRY
We are the writers of the POETRY that we give to the world. Our life is the movement of the ocean; the ebb and flow of the tides, in cadence with the cycles of the moon.
Our life is a thousand trees connected; with the roots representing a sturdy foundation, and the limbs unlimited potential.
You and I are the cry of a newborn babe and the scent that lingers from the honeysuckle. Our life is POETRY; the ins and outs, the give and take, the highs and lows, the ups and downs – this is the poem that is shared with the world.
May our words be strong and powerful for others to hear and contemplate.
May these words be filled with compassion and kindness as we speak them to others, and may love emanate from all that we see. You and I are writing our story each and every moment.
We are POETRY in motion.
Be thy Light…
????❤️????Blessings of wisdom are sent to you today. May you see, speak, and share your Light with the world through the POETRY you are witnessing and being. ????❤️????
Image captured by Morguefile Photo. ????????????
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