Daily Intention
Date posted: March 1, 2020
Daily Intention… FORGIVENESS
We give the gift of FORGIVENESS to ourselves when we do not hold anger or bitterness, or treat those who believe differently than we do with indifference.
Our world is full of opposites, but in the contrast comes growth and expansion in our personal journey.
At the moment that the anger rushes through our body, we can feel the effects of fight or flight mode; the heart racing, the blood coursing through our veins at the temple, the stress that soars through the mind, body, and soul.
This place is not where you and I want to live our lives. It is not a place of peace, love, or kindness; for us or one another.
Let us take a moment to take in a deep breath and send a blessing to all those involved in the incident that has taken place. The blessing can be as simple as saying, “I am thankful for this experience to grow and expand.
I love myself and those who have given me the experience to open my heart to those things/people that believe differently than I do.
I forgive myself and others for the painful emotions that the experience caused each of us. I release the negative thoughts and feelings around the experience, as I move through to a place of FORGIVENESS and love.”
May each of us be brave and walk through to the other side of FORGIVENESS, for it is truly a gift to all of us on the planet.
Be thy Light…
???? ❤️ ????Blessings of inner wisdom are sent to you today. May your heart, mind and spirit be aligned with the actions of FORGIVENESS. ???? ❤️ ????
Image captured by Susan Gossett. ???? ???? ????
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