I’ve learned how to BE a Courageous Creator.

I want to teach you to BE a transformative Creator, empower your creative genius, and master your creativity.

In my weekly correspondence, I share the tools that will bring your creative projects to the finish line.

BE the Creator, You came here to BE.

    Kim Christin

    Inspiring and Supporting others to discover their inner well-being.

    Daily Intention

    Date posted: December 18, 2020

    Daily Intention… EXPERIENCES

    Life is a journey of EXPERIENCES and we evolve through that which we encounter.

    There are moments of joy, anger, bliss, and sadness, and each of them has a lesson from which you and I can gain wisdom.

    The world around us is always changing; this is the one constant in our journey. In every instance, it is our decision as to how we choose to perceive the changes that happen in our lives.

    Will we react with love and compassion, or will we close our hearts and lose our faith?

    Let us choose to be ever expanding through life’s EXPERIENCES, reaching for higher thoughts and acts of kindness.

    This journey is a gift that has been given to each of us. Let us move through the EXPERIENCES of life with an open heart.

    Be thy Light…

    💫 ❤️ 🙏Blessings of Love are sent to you today. May you embrace the gift of each life’s EXPERIENCES with your inner wisdom. 🙏 ❤️ 💫

    Image captured by Morguefile Photo. 💫 🌟 💫


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